What qualities should a qualified foreign trade salesman have?

Generally speaking, what qualities should a qualified foreign trade salesman have?
A qualified foreign trade salesman should have the following six qualities.
First: foreign trade quality.
Foreign trade quality refers to the degree of proficiency in foreign trade processes. Foreign trade business should first know the overall process from looking for customers to the final presentation of documents and tax rebates, so as to grasp every link without loopholes. Because all links of foreign trade are easy to make mistakes, and after making mistakes, it is a very scratching problem.
Second: foreign language quality.
Some predecessors once said that foreign trade salesmen can do it without a good foreign language. That’s right. Indeed, many former foreign trade salesmen came from technical secondary schools. The decisive factor was that the foreign trade environment in the past was not particularly transparent. In addition, foreign trade had just started and there was a shortage of foreign trade personnel, which led to the situation at that time.
However, with the growing number of foreign language talents, it is difficult for newcomers with poor foreign language conditions to find a foreign trade job. But don’t be frightened. The foreign language quality required here is only limited to simple listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Third: product professional quality.
This section is to test the business personnel’s understanding of the products they are now engaged in. Since doing business, we will encounter problems such as explaining the performance, quality and description of products to customers, which requires us to have excellent product professional quality.
In this regard, for newcomers who have not been engaged in foreign trade, it is suggested to find a product to be familiar with for a period of time, so that they can find a job easily.
Fourth: the quality of hardship and tenacity.
In business cooperation, in order to catch up with the goods, we often have to deal with suppliers (manufacturers of raw materials and accessories). These suppliers often put forward different requirements and disrupt your original delivery plan. Therefore, you will often rush between them and urge them to deliver on time. The work is very hard. Therefore, we need the spirit of hard work and perseverance.
Fifth: integrity quality.
Integrity and reputation are very important in business cooperation. Establishing a good reputation is undoubtedly the most powerful guarantee for business development.
Sixth: legal quality.
Learning certain international economic law and commercial contract law can make certain preparations for preventing fraud in international trade.


Post time: Dec-06-2021