ODM Hoobkas Tuam Tshoj Ice Cream Showcase Counter Popsicle Ice Cream Zaub Lub Freezer Luxurious Ice Cream Display Freezer
Peb ntseeg tias: Innovation yog peb tus ntsuj plig thiab tus ntsuj plig. High-zoo yog peb lub neej. Consumer need to have is our God for ODM Factory China Ice Cream Showcase Counter Popsicle Ice Cream Display Freezer Luxurious Ice Cream Display Freezer, Welcome to develop the perfectly and longstanding enterprise relationships with our business to make a superb potential with each other. cov neeg siv khoom txaus siab yog peb txoj kev nrhiav mus ib txhis!
Peb ntseeg tias: Innovation yog peb tus ntsuj plig thiab tus ntsuj plig. High-zoo yog peb lub neej. Cov neeg siv khoom yuav tsum muaj yog peb tus Vajtswv rauTuam Tshoj Showcase Ice Cream Display Fridge Cooler thiab Ice Cream Popsicle Display Freezer Gelato Fridge nqe, Peb tau tsim kev lag luam loj hauv ntau lub teb chaws, xws li Europe thiab Tebchaws Meskas, Eastern Europe thiab Eastern Asia. Meanwhile nrog lub zog predominance nyob rau hauv cov neeg uas muaj peev xwm, nruj ntau lawm kev tswj thiab kev lag luam concept.we tas li nqa ntawm tus kheej-innovation, technological innovation, tswj innovation thiab kev lag luam tswv yim innovation. Ua raws li lub ntiaj teb kev lag luam zam, cov khoom tshiab tau khaws cia rau kev tshawb fawb thiab muab los lav peb cov kev sib tw kom zoo dua qub, zoo, nqi thiab kev pabcuam.
Duab | Qhov Loj (mm) | Hom | Kub (℃) | Cov tub yees |
![]() | 1200 * 800/760/700/600 * 800 | Lub tub yees | -5 ℃ ~ 8 ℃ | r134 ua |
Lub freezer | -10 ℃ ~ -16 ℃ |
☆☆ Peb muaj ntau qhov tob rau xaiv, 600mm, 650mm, 700mm, 750mm, 800mm.
Thov hu rau peb kom paub cov nqi thiab cov ntsiab lus.
☆☆ Peb ua chav txias txias thiab sab laug txias chav ob.
☆☆ Kuj muab -5 ℃ thiab -25 ℃ freezer.
500 Daim / Daim Ib Hlis
Ntim Cov Lus Qhia: Export Txheem Ntoo Pob
Chaw nres nkoj: Qingdao, Shandong
Lub Sijhawm Lead: 12 hnub tom qab tau txais kev pom zoo
* Muaj qhov hluav taws xob: 220V / 50HZ, 220V / 60HZ, 110V / 60HZ
* Kev khiav hauj lwm kub: 2 ~ 8 ° C, kub tuaj yeem hloov kho
* Cov qauv txias: kiv cua txias
Cov tub yees: R134a
* Condenser & evaporator: ntshiab tooj liab yeeb nkab
* Digital tswj nrog ntsuas kub
* Qhov rooj: viav vias hom
* 2 adjustable txee
* Rwb thaiv tsev: 50mm polyurethane ua npuas ncauj
* Hloov tau magnetic gaskets
* Stainless hlau 201 lub cev tsim
* Ua kom muaj cua txias system
* Tsawg suab nrov kom koj cov neeg siv khoom thiab kev lag luam tsis cuam tshuam.
* Muaj zog steel lub cev tsim, 201 qib rau sab hauv & sab nrauv
* Sab mounted condensing teeb
* Contured kab, rounded ces kaum thiab recessed qhov rooj
* Adjustable vinyl coated hlau txee
* Cov maub los digital rau kev ua haujlwm yooj yim thiab ua haujlwm tsis zoo, ua kom pom tseeb digital
* Kev xaiv ntawm 155 lossis 100mm castors kom haum rau lub rooj zaum ua haujlwm lossis hauv qab
* Non-freon roj los tiv thaiv ib puag ncig.
* 304 qib stainless hlau rau kev tsim kho lub cev
* Ntxuam cua txias system
* Rov qab txaws daim ntawv
Rau kev ceev, yooj yim rau kev tsim, peb nyob rau hauv txee lub freezer ntau ntawm kab rov tav chillers thiab lub freezers yog zoo rau pem hauv ntej ntawm lub tsev los yog rov qab nyob rau hauv lub chav ua noj rau lub tsev noj mov, tsev so, bakeries, thiab lwm yam.
1) Teb koj cov lus nug hauv 24 teev ua haujlwm.
2) 24 teev kev txhawb nqa thiab kev pabcuam tomqab muag.
3) Lub neej nrog kev txhawb nqa engineer.
4) Tsis pub dhau 1 xyoos, muab cov khoom seem dawb yog tias lub tshuab hluav taws xob hauv qab muaj cov teeb meem zoo nrog cov pov thawj ntseeg.
5) CE pom zoo thiab 12 lub hlis lav.
6) Txais OEM, ODM.
7) Muab cov neeg siv phau ntawv thiab Youtube ua haujlwm video.
8) Distributors txais tos.
Peb ntseeg tias: Innovation yog peb tus ntsuj plig thiab tus ntsuj plig. High-zoo yog peb lub neej. Consumer need to have is our God for ODM Factory China Ice Cream Showcase Counter Popsicle Ice Cream Display Freezer Luxurious Ice Cream Display Freezer, Welcome to develop the perfectly and longstanding enterprise relationships with our business to make a superb potential with each other. cov neeg siv khoom txaus siab yog peb txoj kev nrhiav mus ib txhis!
ODM HoobkasTuam Tshoj Showcase Ice Cream Display Fridge Cooler thiab Ice Cream Popsicle Display Freezer Gelato Fridge nqe, Peb tau tsim kev lag luam loj hauv ntau lub teb chaws, xws li Europe thiab Tebchaws Meskas, Eastern Europe thiab Eastern Asia. Meanwhile nrog lub zog predominance nyob rau hauv cov neeg uas muaj peev xwm, nruj ntau lawm kev tswj thiab kev lag luam concept.we tas li nqa ntawm tus kheej-innovation, technological innovation, tswj innovation thiab kev lag luam tswv yim innovation. Ua raws li lub ntiaj teb kev lag luam zam, cov khoom tshiab tau khaws cia rau kev tshawb fawb thiab muab los lav peb cov kev sib tw kom zoo dua qub, zoo, nqi thiab kev pabcuam.