Zoo Lag Luam Muag Khoom Jekeen Customized Mobile Catering Factroy Food Trailer Cart Food Truck rau Muag

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

"Zoo thawj zaug, Honesty as base, Sincere kev pab thiab kev sib nrig sib profit" yog peb lub tswv yim, raws li ib tug txoj kev los tsim tas li thiab nrhiav qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau cov lag luam wholesale zoo Jekeen Customized Mobile Catering Factroy Food Trailer Cart Food Truck for Sell, Lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm peb lub koom haum yog ib txwm muab cov khoom lag luam zoo, kev pabcuam kws tshaj lij, thiab kev sib txuas lus ncaj ncees.Zoo siab txais tos txhua tus phooj ywg los tso rau hauv kev sim ua kom muaj kev sib koom ua lag luam mus sij hawm ntev.
"Quality thawj, Honesty as base, sincere kev pab thiab kev sib nrig sib profit" yog peb lub tswv yim, raws li ib tug txoj kev los tsim kom tsis tu ncua thiab nrhiav kev zoo rauTuam Tshoj Food Cart and Food Van, Peb txoj kev ntseeg yog ua ncaj ncees ua ntej, yog li peb tsuas yog muab cov khoom zoo rau peb cov neeg siv khoom.Cia siab tiag tiag tias peb tuaj yeem koom tes ua lag luam.Peb ntseeg tias peb tuaj yeem tsim kom muaj kev sib raug zoo ua lag luam ntev nrog ib leeg.Koj tuaj yeem tiv tauj peb dawb rau cov lus qhia ntxiv thiab pricelist ntawm peb cov khoom!

2 txheej khoom noj khoom haus lub laub (4)
2 txheej khoom noj khoom haus lub laub (7)
2 txheej khoom noj khoom haus lub laub (5)

Duab Loj (mm) Thickness (hli)
 111 (1) 800 * 400 * 900 hli 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2/1.5
850 * 450 * 900 hli 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2/1.5
900 * 500 * 900 hli 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2/1.5
870 * 470 * 900 European Style 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2/1.5
900 * 500 * 900 European Style 1000 * 600 * 900 hli

Qhov chaw ntawm Keeb Kwm: Shandong, Suav

Hom Lub Npe: Zberic

Khoom siv: S / S 201

Tube Shape: Square

Kev kho deg: Polishing

Txheej: 2

Muaj peev xwm muab khoom: 200 Daim / Daim ib hnub

Ntim Cov Lus Qhia

Ntim / ctn: 1

Chaw nres nkoj: QINGDAO PORT

Daim duab piv txwv:

Lub Sijhawm Lead:

Quantity (Pieces) 1-100 101-500 Nws > 500
Est.Sijhawm (hnub) 15 25 Yuav tsum sib tham

1. Qib siab 201 lossis 304 stainless hlau siv, hnyav thiab ruaj khov.

2. txhuam stainless hlau tiav.Nws yog ib qho yooj yim los ntxuav thiab tua kab mob.

3. Anti-corrosion, haum rau chav damp thiab ntub dej, chav ua noj, chav nres tsheb lossis hauv qab daus.

4. Siv dav hauv tsev noj mov, tsev so, tsev noj mov, khoom noj khoom haus, tsev kho mob, kev lag luam tshuaj, tsev loj, khw muag khoom noj hiav txwv thiab lwm yam.

Q1: Yuav ua li cas xaiv cov khoom zoo rau kuv cov khoom?Qhov txawv li cas?

A1: Cov qib sib txawv ntawm stainless hlau sib txawv hauv cov tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg, thiab ua rau muaj kev sib txawv.Thov saib daim duab hauv qab no.

Qib 201: Tsawg corrosion kuj thiab lub zog, siv los tsim ntau yam khoom siv hauv tsev, nrog rau cov dab dej, cov tais diav

Qib 304: Zoo corrosion kuj thiab lub zog, dav siv rau hauv tsev thiab kev lag luam siv, xws li tshuab, khoom noj khoom haus thiab kev kho mob kev lag luam

Q2: Kuv puas tuaj yeem tuaj xyuas koj lub Hoobkas?

A2: Yog, txais tos tuaj xyuas peb.Peb nyob hauv Boxing City, Shandong Province.Tsuas yog qhia koj lub sijhawm, peb yuav npaj qhov tuaj tos.

Q3: Koj tus MOQ yog dab tsi?

A3: Peb lees txais cov qauv txiav txim, thiab MOQ yog 100 pcs ntawm kev txiav txim.

Q4: Koj lub sijhawm ua haujlwm ntev npaum li cas?

A4: Feem ntau, 20 hnub rau 20'GP thiab 30 hnub rau 40'HQ thaum tso nyiaj.Txawm li cas los xij, rau qhov tshwj xeeb, peb yuav siv zog ua kom tau raws li koj txoj kev npaj.

Q5: Kuv puas tuaj yeem muaj cov qauv?

A5: Yog lawm, peb lees txais cov qauv txiav txim thiab yuav npaj cov khoom xa tuaj rau koj.


ODM & OEM kev pabcuam zoo siab txais tos, muaj peb tus kheej R & D pab neeg thiab tau ua lag luam hauv chav ua noj khoom siv tsim thiab tsim khoom rau ntau tshaj 10 xyoo.lub sij hawm ua cov hmoov lead yog luv dua li cov neeg sib tw.

"Zoo thawj zaug, Honesty as base, Sincere kev pab thiab kev sib nrig sib profit" yog peb lub tswv yim, raws li ib tug txoj kev los tsim tas li thiab nrhiav qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau cov lag luam wholesale zoo Jekeen Customized Mobile Catering Factroy Food Trailer Cart Food Truck for Sell, Lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm peb lub koom haum yog ib txwm muab cov khoom lag luam zoo, kev pabcuam kws tshaj lij, thiab kev sib txuas lus ncaj ncees.Zoo siab txais tos txhua tus phooj ywg los tso rau hauv kev sim ua kom muaj kev sib koom ua lag luam mus sij hawm ntev.
Cov lag luam wholesale zooTuam Tshoj Food Cart and Food Van, Peb txoj kev ntseeg yog ua ncaj ncees ua ntej, yog li peb tsuas yog muab cov khoom zoo rau peb cov neeg siv khoom.Cia siab tiag tiag tias peb tuaj yeem koom tes ua lag luam.Peb ntseeg tias peb tuaj yeem tsim kom muaj kev sib raug zoo ua lag luam ntev nrog ib leeg.Koj tuaj yeem tiv tauj peb dawb rau cov lus qhia ntxiv thiab pricelist ntawm peb cov khoom!

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb